Every word was once a poem

» Samuel Greenberg: American Poet

The site Samuel Greenberg: American Poet provides the full text of more than 100 poems by the poet Samuel Greenberg. Although he died of tuberculosis in 1917, when he was only 23 — after spending most of year in poverty on the Lower East Side of New York City — he managed to write a body of poems that would bring James Lauglin to later say:

Sam Greenberg was crazy about words, crazy about their sounds and shapes and the magical life of association which they have unto themselves as words. This boy was drunk on words and he poured them forth with a wild, chaotic passion.

» The Emily Dickinson Random Epigram Machine

The Emily Dickinson Random Epigram Machine randomly selects fragments from Emily Dickinson's poetry.
» Novalis: Hymns to the Night

Novalis: Hyms to the Night provides the full text in English of Hymnen an die Nacht, a set prose and verse lyrics by the German Romantic poet Novalis.
» Transport: Automatic Prose

Transport: Automatic Prose generates unprosaic prose.
» Software Executive in a Box

Software Executive in a Box is the industry's first Automated Corporate Communications Solution (tm).

With Software Executive in a Box at your disposal, you're freed from the need to recruit and compensate actual executives to develop strategic concepts and initiatives to drive your business, because it is a fully automatated solution for reliably and consistently producing corporate communications that independent laboratory tests have shown to be every bit as significant-sounding yet every bit as meaningless as the real thing.

» Wisdom

wisdom is a tool that mines historical and philosphical data to create cosmic truths.
» About this site

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